Thursday, 29 September 2011


I don’t fall for lines like “Your smile looks kind of like mine”
The acts guys put on to try to pick up girls don’t work on me
But this time, for once I have someone I can love with no technique needed: you, only you
So in my own way

I want to send you this feeling from as close as I can
My heartbeat delivers the words I couldn’t say
This relationship isn’t all fun
But surely the spark from the moment we met will stay
The spark will stay forever

Tell me all about the past I don’t know about and the future you’re painting
We can change the world if we give it one more go, now we can even fly through the air
Whenever the low rain clouds touch us
For some funny reason I feel even more at ease

I can’t believe you’ve made me feel this way
In my day-to-day life, I cry and smile and get busy, but…I love you
Even on nights when I’ve fallen asleep, exhausted from having a good time
I want you to give me a dramatic love
I want you to do that someday

I want to send you this feeling from as close as I can
My heartbeat delivers the words I couldn’t say
This relationship isn’t all fun
But surely the spark from the moment we met will stay
The spark will stay forever

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Sha La La

Hey, the sky is so blue
But your face is cloudy
I can hear the melody playing on the radio
Carried by the salty breeze

Sha la la, I feel
Like someone’s stroking my hair, saying it’s OK
Sha la la la la, I’ll keep singing
Until it reaches you

Let’s drive to a beach far away
And throw our favourite songs in the trash
In this very time
When I can’t say “thank you” outright

Sha la la, when I’m by your side
I can give my love and my job my all
Sha la la la la, so that
We’re always allies

Sha la la, I put a shell to my ear
And listened carefully
When I close my eyes you’re there, smiling

Sha la la, when I’m by your side
I can give my love and my job my all
Sha la la la la, let’s sing
A harmony that echoes around

Happy Ending

We’re walking hand in hand
Up the same old hill
Lit up by the streetlights
Our shadows are side by side
This isn’t a special day
But for some reason I feel satisfied in my heart

Hey, I want
To stay like this with you forever
I want to overcome all the sadness and pain
By your side
The words you’ve given me today
Add to the huge pile that I have
This is probably what happiness is
That’s how I felt, with all my heart

I love your eyelashes
When you’re sleeping
Tracing them gently with my fingers
Is my way of saying good morning
We were born in different towns
But for some mysterious reason, we share the same dreams

Hey, this love
May not be as dramatic as in the movies
But I want to live out what I have of the future
With you
We grew up
Watched over by an irreplaceable bond
I hope we can look back on our life
And say it was peaceful

Fate is surely
Smiling on us gently
If we can overcome the sadness and the pain
I want
To stay like this with you forever
I pray that we’ll have a happy ending
With all my heart


I got together with my friends for the first time in ages
On a Sunday afternoon
They helped me put closure on the worst of scenarios
How many times have I tried
To forgive you?
All I know is that my tears have all dried up
After all this drama
The sky and the clouds are bright
I smile even less than usual
And begin to give in to sadness

I closed my eyes quietly
And chose my last kiss
Don’t condemn me for doing what I did that day
I can’t see an answer
Surely in time
That same old comforting feeling
Like being given flowers
Will resurface
I’m going to keep true love I had for you
Deep in my heart

When I go to sleep
I always think happy thoughts
You had a habit
Of drinking in a lot of glory
For some reason love ends in sadness
It’s because it doesn’t last forever
That you don’t forget that person

Ever since we met
There were all kinds of lies
But feel like you taught me something
More important than words
Maybe if I’d just carried these wounds around
And lived in pain
I could have merged with your colours, so different from mine
And we could have become a rainbow
Now it was the wind I told
About my whole-hearted love

I closed my eyes quietly
And chose my last kiss
Don’t condemn me for doing what I did that day
I can’t see an answer
Surely in time
That same old comforting feeling
Like being given flowers
Will resurface
I’m going to keep true love I had for you
Deep in my heart

We’ll never see each other again
So I’ll keep it deep in my heart

Deep grief

By the time a day comes
When we can laugh and talk together
I’ll probably be an old lady
Who’s loved you all her life
Wherever I am, whatever I do
I feel like my heart has fallen out

It was when I fell and hurt myself that I realised
I really wanted to cry at the top of my lungs
Those happy memories are playing out
As I crouch here, unable to make amends

You could never be indifferent to a friend
That’s just the kind of guy you were
When you made yourself ask me out
It was only because I’d worried you
I wanted you to praise me
For my long hair, for the dreams I chose

What kind of person do you have to be
To be connected to the person you love more than anyone under the sky?
When I sobbed, you rubbed my back gently
I know we can never go back the way we were

It was when I fell and hurt myself that I realised
I really wanted to cry at the top of my lungs
Those happy memories are so bright
I can’t move from here

Sunday, 18 September 2011

deep grief

deep grief

いつか 笑って話せる日が 【如果哪天能笑着说话的日子】
二人訪れるとしたら 【降临到两人之间】
きっと私 おばあちゃんになってる【(那时)我已经肯定是个老太婆 】
一生分 愛したから【已经爱了一生】

どこに居ても 何をしてても【无论在哪里 无论做什么】
心 抜け落ちたようで【心里就像落空了一样】

幸せだった思い出が次から次へ【幸福的回忆接二连三 】
うずくまったまま 贖(あがな)えない【一直令我疼痛 不能赎回】

それだけの男だったんだと【(感觉)只不过就是这样的男人 】
無理やり誘い出してもらっても【就算勉强约我出来 】

長い髪も 選んだ夢も【长发也是 选中的梦也是】
この空の下で どれだけの人が【在这天空底下 有多少人】


幸せだった思い出が鮮やかすぎて【幸福的回忆实在太鲜艳 】

Saturday, 17 September 2011

BoA - Your Colour

In this huge world
I met you that day and fell in love
I didn’t think
Anything would change for the better

So how come I’m crying
As the evening sun announces the end of today…

Who could imagine that nights when I can’t see you
Could make me this anxious?
For the first time, I felt
That what you love is something you can protect
The night of your color

Though I hadn’t thought
About why we fall in love
When I met you, being in love
Took on a new meaning

The time we spent together
Speeds by

Who could imagine that the time when I can’t see you
Could go so slowly?
What makes it so hard
Is the fact that I really love you, with all my heart

As the waves of time rush in
Eroding my sandcastle of happiness
Little by little
It stirs up my anxiety
But I surely won’t give in

The time when I can’t see you
Has made me so much stronger
I’ll be able to see you in my dreams tonight
So it’s OK

Who could imagine that nights when I can’t see you
Could make me this anxious?
For the first time, I felt
That what you love is something you can protect
The night of your color

Friday, 16 September 2011


Attracted by the pouring rain
A bud sprouts from all the memories we made here

If I could live in such a beautiful town
Then even those falling stones would be treasures
Let’s hold hands by this dry riverbed
And chase our long shadows

I want us to stay like this, even after 10 years
I pray that our lives will carry on like this water that streams down

I’m not the only fool, there’s two of us
Loneliness and tears come in equal parts
You’re the strongest, most sensitive person in the world
I love you more than anyone in the world

Each of the four seasons slowly passes by
Sometimes the shadow reflected on the screen is mine
Now, even that makes me happy, somehow it makes me happy

I want us to stay like this, even after 10 years
I pray that we can keep giving each other love, like this water that streams down
Come here, be by my side…let my wish come true
So every time it rains I feel you

Saturday, 10 September 2011


幸せな結末 (幸福的結局)

歌    :大瀧詠一

髪をほどいた 君の仕草が             解開頭髮 你的動作
泣いているようで 胸が騒ぐよ          彷彿是在哭泣 胸中一陣不安
振り返るのは 終わりにしよう           回顧過去 終要做個結束
他の誰でもなく 今夜君は僕のもの      不是別人 今夜你是屬於我的

さみしい気持ち 隠して微笑み        明日笑容中隱藏著寂寞的心情
強がる君から 目が離せない          無法將視線移開逞強的你
昨日じゃなくて 明日じゃなくて          不是昨日 也並非明日
帰したくないから 今夜君は僕のもの      不想要回去 今夜你是屬於我的

踊り出す街に 二人の今を            到街上流連舞蹈
探し続けて はしゃいだあの日           不斷探尋著兩個人的現在 那個歡鬧的日子

さよなら言うよ 虚ろな恋に          說再會吧 永遠都無法離開這空虛的愛情
いつまでも離さない 今夜君は僕のもの         今夜你是屬於我的

走り出す街で 二人の          到街上奔跑 兩個人的明天
夢に描いて 見つけた夜明け           描繪著夢想 等待著黎明

あふれる思い 押さえきれない           無法抑制滿腔的思念
幸せな結末 きっと見つめる           一定要看到幸福的結局
今なら言える 素直になれる            如果現在能夠開口 應該能夠更坦率
いつまでも 愛してる                 愛你直到永遠

今夜君は僕のもの          今夜你是屬於我的
今夜君は僕のもの          今夜你是屬於我的
今夜君は僕のもの          今夜你是屬於我的

Baby you're mine
Baby you're mine