Friday, 14 October 2011

Precious Days

街道裡談及未來 發現了一個新的天空
吹遍操場的風、被太陽曬得黑黑的椅子 與那個人每天都坐在那兒
在歸途上的快餐店停留 被老師發現了他很憤怒呢
藍色的天空、與朋友一起流的汗 分享了喝到一半的果汁

修學旅行 在京都的夜晚 你向我叫出了你的心意
我當然知道應該怎樣回答 抑制不到的情感
刻著了多少個季節的校舍 連回憶也充滿了我們的氣味
在運動場上奔跑、白色的襯衫 尋找遺忘的物品、教科書
和胡亂寫的筆記 也隱藏著細小的夢想

最後的音樂響起 大家都忍不住流出眼淚

喂不要哭吧 像昨日一樣 眾集在一起笑就行了
我們已經長大 雖然還不太明白 但是一定要變得比今天堅強
沐浴在新一天的晨光之中 同樣的光輝燦爛
「再見」我們的Precious days

Friday, 7 October 2011


I can hear someone’s voice far away, calling me
From my tear-soaked pillow
In my dreams I could feel you
Holding me gently and giving me sweet kisses

The image I believed in always cuts off here
And I’m dragged back to reality
The simplest of words suddenly pierce my heart
In any case, if this is a dream, I’d rather wake up happy

But nothing’s changed since yesterday
I know by the way the temperature of my heart has changed
That our goodbye was real
But I prayed that it was all mistake

This love that cheers me up is strong and true
So forgive me for being unable to control it
Even if a stifling darkness covers this world
I won’t be afraid, because I’ve learnt that there’s no night that won’t give way to the dawn

The image I believed in always cuts off here
And I burst into tears as I come back to reality
I’ll find the love that lives in the stars, stumbling as I go
Let it become real this time; goodnight, I’m going to sink into my bed now


When I watch the drifting clouds
Even my worries float away

The fact that I’ve been so fragile
Is what I love about myself
Because the dream I had as a boy
Is still sparkling in my heart, just as it was then

I’ll fly into the wide sky, higher than anyone else
Reckless as it is, I want to find out the limit of my strength

Even if I wander around somewhere, stumbling
I won’t panic, I’m going to rest for the first time in a while, entrust my body to the wind

In this darkness where I can’t even make a light

I could see all kinds of feelings
I can’t be so greedy anymore
Every time I find another thing that’s important to me, I lose a place to be

I changed a little when I fell in love
But no logic holds up in this world

Instead of fearing that our hearts will end up apart
I should wait for the season to change one day

I’ll fly into the wide sky, higher than anyone else
Reckless as it is, I want to find out the limit of my strength

Even if I wander around somewhere, stumbling
I won’t panic, I’m going to rest for the first time in a while, entrust my body to the wind