Friday, 21 September 2012


從來沒有這麼愛戀過 每次當妳親我
猶如著魔 仍然是妳笑聲最可愛
我願天天跟妳 纏綿地過

像妳會散發某些香氣 令我一次又一次動心
或我說不清 或我說不對 仍然是最真

我也許不懂妳心 我也許貌不如人
也許妳不會明白我心 我也許不懂說謊
但我可撫心自問 我清楚知道
如何待妳好 I LOVE YOU AH...

從無人令我如此興奮 再沒不快事情
如沐夜風 從無人令我如此牽掛
每日心似亂 如迷路中

我也許不必再等 我身邊是心中人
我竟找到妳 同渡下半生 I LOVE YOU


女: 風 吹過萬里沙 途中是我碰著途中的你
也許只因眼中 都有孤單的倒影

男: 走 方向在那邊 尋找是我也在尋找的你
夜了半夢還是半醒 某種感觸便再出說不清

女: 難說出應不應該 跟你在這刻濃濃的愛
試問人在旅途時 愛下去可有未來

男: 難說出應不應該 跟你在這刻全無驅策的愛
你若停在我的路 你會否仍然是你

女: 飄 飄過上半生 誰知又會向著何方飄去
到底哭聲笑聲 本來都祗一瞬間

男: 不 不要問結果 明天共你回望這天一切

合: 又會笑著還是痛哭 到底這宵 便更要去珍惜

女: 誰再管應不應該 只要在這刻濃濃的愛
即是人在旅途時 永沒法肯定未來

男: 誰再管分不分開 只要在這刻全無拘束的愛
世上原是太多路 愛到分離仍是愛

合: 誰再管應不應該 只要在這刻濃濃的愛
即是人在旅途時 永沒法肯定未來
誰再管分不分開 只要在這刻全無拘束的愛
世上原是太多路 愛到分離仍是愛

誰再管應不應該 只要在這刻濃濃的愛
世上原是太多路 愛到分離仍然是愛

Monday, 17 September 2012


Met you by surprise, I didn't realize that my life would change for ever
Saw you standing there, I didn't know I'd care
There was something special in the air

Dreams are my reality, the only kind of real fantasy
Illusions are a common thing, I try to live in dreams
It seems as if it's meant to be
Dreams are my reality, a different kind of reality
I dream of loving in the night and loving seems all right
Although it's only fantasy

If you do exist, honey, don't resist, show me your new way of loving
Tell me that it's true, show me what to do
I feel something special about you

Dreams are my reality, the only kind of reality
Maybe my foolishness is past, and maybe now at last
I'll see how the real thing can be
Dreams are my reality, a wondrous world where I like to be
I dream of holding you all night and holding you seems right
Perhaps that's my reality

Met you by surprise, I didn't realize that my life would change for ever
Tell me that it's true, feelings that are new
I feel something special about you

Dreams are my reality, a wondrous world where I like to be
Illusions are a common thing, I try to live in dreams
Although it's only fantasy
Dreams are my reality, I like to dream of you close to me
I dream of loving in the night and loving you seems right
Perhaps that's my reality.