Saturday 14 April 2012

Ichiman Metre No Keshiki (10,000 Metres of Scenery)

Flying towards the horizon in the afternoon, view blocked by the drifting clouds
Even though I know this love is full of mistakes, I probably won’t be able to go back
I’ve been to the stars, how far will I go? My wings are enticing me

The sky is closer than usual, I’ll rest my tired heart
I’ve had days where I’ve hugged my knees and cried, and there’ll be more
Does he like me? Does he hate me? I love him

Your attitude is whimsical, if I chase you you’ll run away, calculation is a huge crime to you
I want to yell at the top of my lungs that you’re not alone, in this deserted place
The ground is just like it is in the map, looking down on the little towns, they look perfect

My crossing time and letting you in, showing you such a weak spot
Is because in the heat of the moment I can be bold, the freedom is great, I hate being passive

The sky is closer than usual, I’ll rest my tired heart
I’ve had days where I’ve hugged my knees and cried, and there’ll be more
Our bond is getting deeper

Friday 6 April 2012



心愛的人呀 無名的旅人呀

曾被某些事物所迷住 畫下那樣的夢想
曾追求過的 竟是在遙遠的過去
即使能順利地生存下去 還是會失去某些東西

現今的心境 比當時更加年輕了 你當時還乘著計程車飛奔
來到我家 睡在我身旁啊

赤子之心的人呀 無名的旅人呀
不回頭 不讓步
明天 一定會放晴的吧

夕陽細長的影子 延伸到十字路口

在你的世界裡 是否有我呢?
因為我挺直腰桿 一直跟著你一路走來…

如今 你已不再像你了 一副都會模樣
縱使那個夏天已遠去 那約定我不會忘記啊

無名的旅人呀 心愛的人呀
不回頭 不讓步
明天 一定會放晴的吧

無名的旅人呀 心愛的人呀
無法回頭 不能讓步